Frequently asked analytics questions and where to find the answers

Notes from the analytics breakout session.

Questions and answers

Can I save my Google Analytics reports to look at again later?

Yes. It is recommended to always save your reports so you can look at them again later.

How can I look up traffic by organization?

There are a couple of ways and one of them is creating a custom report:

The view in Google Analytics should look like this:


  • Click on customization

  • Then Custom Reports

  • Click on Custom Reports

  • Add metrics and dimensions (metrics are things you count, and dimensions are ways to slice the data)

  • Add a metric: for example Pageviews

  • Put in Page as the dimension

  • Add Organization as a dimension (This should give you all the traffic by organization)

  • To get all the organizations on the site

  • Go back to edit

  • Add Organization as a dimension

  • Then filter on Organization

  • To filter by your own Organization, use the name of your Organization as it is called in the “offered by” field on To find this name right on the web page: Right click anywhere on the page and view page source on

  • Using Ctrl-F to bring up a search bar, search for the phrase: "mg_organization." After the colon you will see the Organization that shows up in “offered by”

  • If you would like to see traffic by a particular page, then add a second dimension, called Page, and slice it up even more

How can I make a report that looks at more than one organization?

  • If you want to look at a report for more than just 1 organization in the filter, change to RegEx. RegEx is a series of regular characters or phrases that can create a search string.

  • In the RegEx field, go the end of the search string and add a pipe “|” which you can usually find on the keyboard right above the enter key. You could add a search terms like MassHealth. Anything with that additional search term will show up in your results.

  • RegEx works with URLs

What can I do with a reports tab?

  • Use Organization and Page Type as the Dimensions

  • Use Pageviews as the Metrics

  • This report breaks out Pageviews by Content Type

What if I want to create a report for multiple pages?

  • I want a report for just 3 pages

  • Search for the URL after the domain name (/orgs/office-of-the-governor)

  • Add a filter for Page

  • Change to RegEx

  • Paste in the URL

  • Add a vertical bar or pipe

  • Add the next URL, then a bar, and then the last URL

  • No need to add a pipe at the end because that tells RegEx you are trying to say “and/or” and will return everything.

Is there a way to export data from Google Analytics?

You can export anything here in Google Sheets and Excel, and CSV

Is there a way to export a table from

You can export data from as a CSV. If you see this image at the bottom of a view in the CMS, you can filter and export data from that view. For example, you can export data from the “All Content,” “My Content,” and “Feedback” views.

Where can I see how often a document has been downloaded?

  • You can see this data in the Analytics Dashboards (Beta). It's limited to 6 weeks’ worth of data

  • In Google Analytics, you can select it as a custom filter. Please refer to this Knowledge Base article for more details.

Is there a limit to the number of RegEx you can use?

  • It's a very long number

  • In a spreadsheet it's 50,000 characters

How does the organization get in here?

We pick up everything that is added in the “Offered by” field

Last updated